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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Case Study (Question 2)


Since ages, attendance system has remained one of the most important systems for evaluating the working time of students in any college or school. In short, this is used every where wherever the human labor is of importance in terms of the number of hours labored for, in a wider application example, also to mark the number of days present/absent in any academic year of students in a college, school etc.

The data for each student is fetched by either manual system or by Electromechanical devices like punch card, time-notation devices etc.

In attendance system, which is manual in nature, the lecturer takes the attendance of the students of different departments of the college. The information regarding attendance is then given to the counselor. The counselor then checks for the number of presents, absents and whether he/she has taken the leave for the absent. And finally he/she prepares the attendance report.

In attendance system, which is computerized in nature, the lecturer takes the attendance of the students of different departments of the college. The information regarding attendance is then given to the counselor. The counselor then submits the information to the computer programmer and he feeds the data into the computer and gets the final attendance report.


  1. Create / read new attendant record.
  2. View attendant list.
  3. Update attendant record.
  4. Generate first warning letter.
  5. Generate second warning letter.


   Attendance Management System basically has two main modules for proper

• First module is admin which has right for creating space for new batch. Any entry of
  new faculty, Updating in subject if necessary, and sending notice.

• Second module is handled by the user which can be a faulty or an operator. User has
  a right of making daily attendance, generating report. 

Attendance can be taken in two ways:

• On the basis of monthly attendance

On the basis of weekly attendance


Task 4

HyE EveryOne...!!!!!

Discuss one software engineering myth from each category of management myths, customer myths and practitioner myths.

• Software myths – erroneous beliefs
  about software and the process
  that is used to build it.

• Misleading attitudes that have
 caused serious problems for
 managers and practitioners.

• Classifications of software
Management myths
Customer myths
Practitioner myths

Types of Management Myths:

Management Myths: Managers with Software responsibility, like managers in most discipline, are often under pressure to maintain budgets, keep schedules and maintain quality.
Like a drowning person who grasps straw, software manager often grasp at a belief in a software myth even though it gives temporary relief.

Management Myths:

Myth: We already have a book that has procedures and standards for building software. Won’t they provide my people with everything they want to know?

Reality: The book of standards very well exists, but is it used?
  Are the software engineers aware of its existence?
  Does it reflect the Modern Engineering Practices? Is it Complete?
  In many cases Answers to above all the question is – No.


CEO calls the Developer Raju and has the following conversation…..

CEO: Hi!! Raju, you are working very slow, I have given the assignment 1
          month before. But you have not completed till today. Why? You should
          give proper explanation to me immediately.

Raju: Sir, I am running short of materials that’s why I couldn’t able to
          complete in time sir.

CEO: We already have a book, which has procedures and standards for
          building software. It will provide every detail you require.

Raju: I do not know Sir. I will refer it and complete within an hour sir.
          (After 1 hour Raju Meeting CEO)

Raju: The book not covers the modern practices Sir.

Now Show the Chart that contains the following information:

The book of standards very well exists, but is it used?
Are the software engineers aware of its existence?
Does it reflect the Modern Engineering Practices? Is it Complete?
In many cases Answers to above all the question is – No.

Customer Myths

Now that the learners have a clear idea about Management Myth, it would be time to have a look at the next Myth i.e. is Customer Myths.

Myth: A general statement of objective is “It is sufficient to begin writing programs – we can fill in the details later”.

Reality: The above definition is the major cause of failed S/W efforts. Formal and details of information domain, function, behavior, performance, interfaces, design constraints and validation criteria is essential. These characteristics can be determined only after the through communication between customer and developer.


CEO is having the conversation with Team Manager…..

CEO: Hi, We have got a new assignment from Mannaran Company. When
          can you take up this new assignment?

Team Manager: We have to do feasibility study and Requirement Analysis
                         after that only we may able to take sir.

CEO: How long you need to finalize these things.

Team Manager: I need a month time sir.
                          (After a month CEO Calling Team Manager and discussing)

CEO: Can we start the assignment from today.

Team Manager: No Sir. I need some more time. I have to collect some
                        more information from the customers.

CEO: “It is sufficient to begin writing programs – we can fill in the details

Team Manager: No Sir. That’s not possible. Before writing the program we
                         need a complete detail.

Now Show the Chart that contains the following information:

Formal and detail of information domain, function, behavior, performance, interfaces, design constraints and validation criteria is essential. These characteristics can be determined only after the through communication between customer and developer.

Practitioners Myth

By now the learners would have developed a clear idea about Management and Customer Myths. At this point, it would be appropriate to take up Practitioners Myth.

Myth: Until I get the program “running”. I have no way of assessing its quality.

Reality: One of the most effective software quality assurance mechanisms

   can be applied from the infection of the project – Formal Technical Review

   Software reviews are a “Quality Filter” that have been found to be more

   effective than testing to find the software defects.

CEO is having the conversation with Team Manager…….

CEO: What about you’re Project Progress? When can I expect the


Team Manager: We have almost completed all the parts. We may able to release within a couple        

                           of days.

CEO: Have you finished the Quality assessment part?

Team Manager: Until the program is running I can’t asses the Quality.

Now Show the Chart that contains the following information:

One of the most effective software quality assurance mechanisms can be applied from the infection of the project – Formal Technical Review

References and credit: Contents in the slides are adopted from the book and the slides that accompanied the  book by R.S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, 7th. Edition, McGraw Hill, 2009


Monday, June 13, 2011

Task 3


We can conclude, Malaysia is a country that is emerging in Southeast Asia. When a country is in the process towards a more developed country, the country's impossible to have difficulty in providing employment opportunities for the people, not easy to find or get a job. All graduates or students should prepare themselves with a lot of knowledge and thinking ahead. This is because many graduates or students can not meet the characteristics required by employers. So, what can we say it does not necessarily graduates who have been good just glad to get a job. But to be in line with the knowledge and advantages that exist in itself and good at communication.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Lecture Series on Software Engineering by Prof.N.L. Sarda, Prof. Umesh Bellur,Prof.R.K.Joshi and Prof.Shashi Kelkar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering ,IIT Bombay .




Thursday, June 2, 2011

Module 2

Software Process

A software process:

- a collection of work activities, actions, tasks, which are performed when software is to be created.

2 Process activities

Framework activities : the activities are appicable to all software project, the size are complexcity.
(communication;planning;modeling;construction; and deployment

Umbrella activities : applied throughout a software project, manage and control progress,quality,change and risk.
(project tracking and control, risk management; software quality assurance;technical reviews;configuration management)

Prescriptive Process Models

~ Waterfall Model ~

- Easy to understand and implement.
- Widely used and known (in theory!).
- Reinforces good habits: define-before- design, design-before-code.
- Identifies deliverables and milestones.
- Works well on mature products and weak teams.
- Idealized, doesn’t match reality well.
- Doesn’t reflect iterative nature of exploratory development.
- Unrealistic to expect accurate requirements so early in project.
- Software is delivered late in project, delays discovery of serious errors.
- Difficult to integrate risk management.
- Difficult and expensive to make changes to documents
- Significant administrative overhead, costly for small teams and

The waterfall model performs well for products with clearly understood requirements or when working with well understood technical tools, architectures and infrastructures. Its weaknesses frequently make it inadvisable when rapid development is needed. In those cases, modified models may be more effective.

~ Incremental Model ~

- Generates working software quickly and early during the software
   life cycle.
- More flexible – less costly to change scope and requirements.
- Easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration.
- Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are identified and

   handled during its iteration.
- Each iteration is an easily managed.

- Each phase of an iteration is rigid and do not overlap each other.
- Problems may arise pertaining to system architecture because not all requirements are gathered up front for         

   the entire software life cycle.

~ Prototyping ~
- Reduce rate of error since the prototype is repeated so many times.
- Prevent the wrong invention.
- Help the user to understand.
- Increase customer satisfaction.
- Reduces development costs.
- Requires user involvement.
- less documentation will result difficult maintenance.
User confusion of prototype and finished system.
Users expect the performance of the ultimate system to be the same as the prototype.

~ Spiral ~
- No static number of iteration
- High amount of risk analysis. 
- Good for large and mission-critical projects.
- Software is produced early in the software life cycle.
- Can be a costly model to use.
- Risk analysis requires highly specific expertise.
- Project’s success is highly dependent on the risk analysis phase.
- Doesn’t work well for smaller projects.

~ Concurrent Model ~
Easy to implement concurrent access if that run for a long time.
- Very dynamic and encourage innovation  by development.
- Able to access the progress of the project by looking at the state of the project. 
- Multiple team and module is very difficult.
- Managing this kind of process model is challenging.

Selecting a Process Model

Factor to consider

The characteristic of the - problems to be solved
                                     - project
                                     - product
The project environment in which the software team works. 

To downloaded notes (Module2) :


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Module 1

Introduction to Software Engineering

What is 'software'????
  • Instructions (computer programs) 
  • Data Structures
  • Documentation
(e.g. Macromedia Flash MX, Macromedia Director Mx, Ubuntu)


What is 'Software Engineering'????

  • IEEE
    • the application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance.

Layers in SE

Software Application Domain

  1. System software
  2. Application software
  3. Engineering/scientific software
  4. Embedded software
  5. Product-Line software
  6. Web Applications (WebApps)
  7. AI software
Software Myths

  • Software myths
    • erroneous beliefs about software & the process that is used to build it.

  • Classifications of software myths:
Management myths
  • Myth: 
    • We already have a book that’s full of standards and procedures for building software. Won’t that provide my people with everything they need to know?
  • Reality:
    • The book of standards may exist, but is it used? Are practitioners’ aware of its existence? Does it reflect modern SE practices? Is it complete? Is it adaptable?
Customer myths
  • Myth: 
    • Software requirements continually change, but change can be easily accommodated because software is flexible.
  • Reality:
    • The impact of change varies with the time at which it is introduced. The cost of impact of changes in early stage of software project is relative small.  However, changes introduced at a later development stage  may requires a lot of resources and major design modification.
Practitioners myths
  • Myth: 
    • “Once we write the program and get it work, our job is done.”
  • Reality:
    • Some once said the “the sooner you begin ‘writing code’, the longer it’ll take you to get done.”


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